Our Mission
A non-profit organization focused on supporting the development and promotion of recreational trails in Tuscarawas County, Ohio.
Click Here to view the Tuscarawas County Trail and Greenspace Plan. (Very large file.)
Projects In-Progress – 2022
Towpath Trail Extension I – Currently Fundraising
The Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail – Extension I to SR-416 Project is to extend the Towpath Trail an additional 4-miles from the Zoarville Station Bridge to SR-416 (near White Bridge off SR-800 and 7-Mile Drive) . This would be a 10 ft. wide multi-use limestone trail – the same as the existing Towpath Trail.
This is a collaborative project between the Tuscarawas County Commissioners, the Tuscarawas County Park Department, the Ohio & Erie Canalway Coalition (OECC), and the Friends of Tuscarawas County Parks. Ongoing maintenance of these trails will be the responsibility of the Tuscarawas County Park Department.
This extension is an essential component to completing the Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail. TuscParks received a $483,000 Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) grant from ODOT to fund a majority of this project. The Friends are looking to raise $80,000 to cover the local match and expected construction costs over the grant award. This project was made possible via a license agreement with the Kimble Company.

Sponsors as of 3/20/2022
Timken Foundation of Canton – New Philadelphia Plant
Harold C. and Marjorie Q. Rosenberry Tuscarawas County Foundation
Haman Family Foundation
Various FaceBook Fundraiser Donors
The Ohio and Erie Canalway Coalition
Alan Deibel

Bolivar to McDonnell Trailhead Connection – Completed!
The McDonnell Trailhead to Bolivar project plan will include the construction of 0.25 miles of trail connecting the McDonnell Trailhead near the Stark/Tuscarawas Aqueduct Bridge to the existing Towpath Trail north of Bolivar, OH.
Update: The Ohio Department of Natural Resources approved nearly $7 million in Clean Ohio Trails Fund grants, including a grant for $380,625 to the Ohio & Erie Canalway Coalition in support of a quarter-mile Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail connection in Bolivar.
The section of trail will connect the McDonnell Trailhead on the border of Stark and Tuscarawas counties with existing trail heading toward Bolivar. The total cost of the project is expected to be $507,500. Expected project completion in Summer 2021.
State Route 416 Bike Lanes – Completed!
An ODOT grant for over 1.4 million dollars have been secured for a project to create bike lanes along SR-416 from the city of New Philadelphia to the Village of Tuscarawas. ODOT District 11 will have full responsibility for the construction and maintenance of these bike lanes. This section of State Route 416 already has a lot of cyclists using it. These bike lanes will create a much safer route and:
a) Connect Trumpet in the Land, Schoenbrunn Village, Zeisberger’s cemetery, and ultimately Gnadenhutten. These are major historic sites in regards to the early Moravian missionaries.
b) Create a connection between the northern and southern parts of the county and to the Towpath Trail which goes north to Cleveland.
c ) ODOT has planned this section to be part of the official State Bike Route 77.

Sponsors | |
Timken Foundation of Canton – New Philadelphia Plant | |
Harold C. and Marjorie Q. Rosenberry Tuscarawas County Foundation | |
Dewey and Irene Moomaw Foundation | |
Dover-Phila Federal Credit Union | |
Lauren International | |
Cooper Standard – New Philadelphia | |
Zeisberger Trail and Parks | |
Dr. Stephen Maurer | |
The Friends of Tuscarawas County Parks | |
Blair & Anna Zimmerman Foundation | |
Haman Family Foundation | |
Trinity Twin City Hospital | |
Tusky Days Festival | |
Facebook Fundraiser | |
Anonymous Donor(s) | |
Cody Pancher | |
Sarah Tipka | |
Mary Jo Monte-Kaser | |
Cheryl Stallings | |
Moomaw Foundation | |
Alan Deibel | |
Zimmerman Foundation |
A Special Thanks to Our Partners